Message From Our Leadership Team
Welcome to realMLS! Our services to you includes many realMLS Provided Tools essential to your business.
The entire Leadership Team and Staff want you to know that we sincerely appreciate you choosing realMLS.
realMLS is a neutral place where real estate professionals collaborate based on shared rules and reliable data. Our Vision statement defines the essence of realMLS.
“We see realMLS as the preferred provider of advanced tools and resources to promote a healthy marketplace.”
Our focus is to achieve our vision with emphasis on the following goals:
Technology and Data
To foster a healthy marketplace by exploring innovative technology thus providing real estate professionals with access to reliable data and services.
Engagement and Education
Continually develop and deliver relevant education across multiple platforms to enable our members to get maximum value from the tools and resources available as a member benefit.
Healthy Marketplace Strategies
To serve all agents while erasing the traditional borders of a local MLS, resulting in a barrier-free MLS experience.
realMLS continually strives to provide an excellent experience for our members.
We Are realMLS! We Are More Than Just Listings!